General Terms Of Use

Revised 01/01/2024

The owners of the website and online domain  (hereinafter: the website) is main and only website for Stg. Building Bridges…Saving Lives, a registered non-profit organization in Suriname with the chamber of commerce and industry  registration number: 42012 (hereinafter: SBBSL).

The use of the website (browsing, opening links, reading the content and similar) and the use of website applications (browsing through campaigns within applications, publishing posts and other information within applications, the use of information from etc.) shall be considered as agreement of the visitor of the website with general terms of use listed below. If you, as a visitor of the website, do not agree with these general terms, we ask you to refrain from using the website.

SBBSL reserves the right to change general terms of use at any point and without prior notice, by publishing their new version on this website.

These general terms apply to the entire website and all of its individual parts, such as sections, sub-pages or applications which run on the website, unless otherwise specified

Notifications, articles and other content published on the website have been created with the purpose of helping migrant populations (hereinafter: MP) find support that is culturally and linguistical appropriate.  

The website is therefore intended primarily for migrant of Spanish and Haitian creole speaking communities, giving them the possibility to publish information about themselves  so that they can be receive the support and guidance needed to become a valued member of the host country they have decided to reside in.

SBBSL reserves the right to change, add or remove content of the website without prior notification and assumes no responsibility for any consequences of such changes.

The website also contains links to websites owned by other persons. SBBSL does not have the power to influence the functioning of those websites and therefore assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information and content published there. 

As the administrator of the website, SBBSL supplies the necessary tools to enable connections and networking between migrants and other organizations, but does not guarantee that a successful contact or execution of a joint support will in fact occur. SBBSL also does not accept liability for the accuracy of data and contents published on the website by users, including photography, links and text, which are all the responsibility of the user who added specific content onto the website. SBBSL does not verify and therefore cannot guarantee the accuracy of the content provided by users. However, if a user learns that a specific content is untrue, they should notify SBBSL, who will then take further action accordingly.

The user is not allowed to publish content in the name or at the expense of a third party without their consent. The user cannot violate rights of others (e.g. intellectual property, personality rights) or otherwise act illegally.

SBBSL may autonomously and without explanation change or remove content published by users if the content is inappropriate, does not contribute to development of migrants and associates, if it is against the law or for other reasons. SBBSL may autonomously and without explanation sort the user under a different category if it deems the chosen category as inappropriate. 

SBBSL may interrupt the operation of the website without prior notification if this is necessary for technical upgrades, system updates or as a result of a business decision.

Visitors of this website use the website, its sections and contents at their own risk.

SBBSL does not accept any liability regarding the accuracy or correctness of the information published on the website, nor does it assume liability for changes made to the already published information or content or any liability for possible damage caused to the visitor due to the use of information and content published on the website.

SBBSL is not responsible for any damage that occurs due to the failure to publish or the removal of content which is caused by errors in functioning of the website, nor does it otherwise guarantee the successful use of the website. In no case is SBBSL responsible for any damage which originates from the use or the failure to use the website, including damages due to a loss of income or expected profit, loss of goodwill, reputation or loss of data.

SBBSL further does not accept any liability for the damage which occurs to the visitor during the use of the website. We recommend that the users regularly produce safety copies of contents they publish on the website, as SBBSL is not responsible for the loss of these contents.

SBBSL protects personal data, communicated by the user during the use of the website. Personal information is processed solely for the purposes for which they have been acquired and which are allowed according to applicable legislation.

SBBSL will not use personal information, including contact information, for any other purposes and will not forward them to third parties without explicit consent of the individual to whom the personal data refers, unless it is obliged to do so by law.

SBBSL performs all necessary organizational, technical and logical procedures and measures to protect personal information, prevent accidental or intentional unauthorized destruction of data or modification, loss or unauthorized processing of data.

The user of the website who enters personal data on the website for the purpose of their public disclosure (eg. name and surname, e-mail or telephone number of the contact person), confirms that he or she has the necessary consent or other appropriate legal basis for submitting and publishing that personal information and that the data subjects, to whom the submitted personal data refers, are aware of these Terms of Service.

All contents, graphic and other elements on the website are subject to copyright protection and other forms of protection of intellectual property.

Unless otherwise specified, the contents of the website are allowed to be freely reproduced and distributed in digital form or to be made available to the public for non-profit (non-commercial) purposes, under the condition that the contents are not changed or processed and that the reference to the source in the form of an active link, called  (SBBSL) is provided, leading to the website Stg. Building Bridges…Saving Lives.

The contents of the website are not allowed to be reproduced, distributed,  processed  or used for commercial purposes without prior written consent of SBBSL.

If you run into an error, inaccuracy, lack of topicality or timeliness of information or any other deficiency of the website, please let us know at . This is also the address to which you can send your requests for the removal of your personal information from the website.

Individuals can demand the removal of their personal information from the website, including imagery or video materials depicting the individual. SBBSL will immediately remove the personal data from the website, it is, however, not responsible for the publication of this information on other servers where they are published by other persons.