
“Help us, Help you..!”

Our project, “Help Us, Help You,” focused on documenting cases of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Human Rights violations affecting migrant women and transgender individuals in both Paramaribo and Albina, Suriname. Through close collaboration with partner NGOs, our goal was to gain an accurate understanding of the challenges faced by these communities and provide essential support to address the issues at hand.

Weekly outreach sessions in Paramaribo and Albina allowed us to directly engage with the target population, documenting cases of Human Rights violations. These sessions also served as an avenue for referrals from other NGOs, enhancing our ability to comprehensively address the multifaceted challenges faced by individuals in need.

To amplify our impact, we implemented a robust social media campaign, disseminating weekly information on the importance of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), GBV, and Human Rights. This proactive approach aimed to raise awareness and fostered a supportive online community.

We established a crisis hotline accessible through social media platforms, offering a direct line and WhatsApp option. This initiative ensured immediate assistance and support for those in distress, reinforcing our commitment to providing timely aid.

Creating informative infographics on social media proved to be an effective strategy in illustrating steps to stay safe, support GBV survivors, and navigate pathways to seek legal assistance. By reaching a broader audience, we encouraged the sharing of vital information among clients and their networks.

Organizing monthly capacity-building sessions on Legal Literacy, Human Rights, and Migration empowered the target population with knowledge and resources. This proactive approach fostered self-advocacy and equipped individuals with the tools needed to navigate complex legal landscapes.

To address the emotional well-being of the affected individuals, we offered dedicated counseling services. A monthly support group provided a safe space for sharing experiences and receiving psychosocial support, reinforcing our commitment to holistic care.

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