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HIV/AIDS migrant awareness campaign

The “Building Bridges…Leaving No One Behind: HIV/AIDS Migrant Awareness Campaign” was successfully implemented, thanks to the funding received from UNAIDS. Three capacity-building and HIV awareness sessions were organized and execute.

The sessions took place in Paramaribo (Central), Albina, and in Paramaribo (Wanica), strategically chosen to reach migrants in different locations where they live and work. These sessions covered a wide range of topics, including capacity building, updated HIV information, condom use, the importance of knowing one’s HIV status, medication adherence, and accessing support services.

To ensure effective communication and engagement, the sessions were conducted in Spanish and Haitian Creole, accommodating the linguistic diversity within our target population. Our focused target audience included migrants from Spanish and Haitian Creole-speaking backgrounds, particularly sex workers, men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender individuals, and people living with HIV (PLWHIV).

Overall, the campaign was successful in raising awareness about HIV/AIDS among migrant communities and providing essential information and resources to promote prevention and care. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, we aimed to empower migrants with the knowledge and skills needed to protect themselves and their communities from HIV/AIDS and reduce stigma surrounding the disease.

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